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Managing the Photo Gallery

Discover how to add photos and albums to the photo gallery.



Create a photo gallery

1. Click 'Gallery Manager'

2. Click 'Create Album'

3. Click 'Edit Gallery' on the new album

4. Enter the albums information...

You can specify the albums title as well as optional information such as date, photographer and description. These are not required but can be used for reference. Tip: You can use the 'Insertion Tag' snippet to load the gallery on a custom page.

5. Click 'Save'

6. Click 'Select Files' to upload images for this gallery

Don't use this until you have saved your gallery, this auto refreshes the page once uploaded.

7. Select the files and press 'OK' (or similar)

You can load multiple photos at the same time. Press CMD+A to select all in Mac, or CTRL+A in Windows.

8. Visit your site and view the gallery!

Adding images to the photo gallery

1. Click 'Gallery Manager'

2. Click 'Edit Gallery' on the album to add photos to

3. Scroll to the upload box labelled 'Select Files'

4. Select the files and press 'OK' (or similar)

5. Once the page refreshes, your images are now loaded!

6. Select 'edit' on the specific image (optional)

7. Update the image information form

The 'title' will appear below the image when someone clicks on it, change this to a suitable description. You can also adjust the sort order. The lower the number, the higher up the list it will appear.

8. Press 'Save'

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