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Using the HTML Editor

Find out how to better use the in-built editor your website may feature if it's running our CMS or Shopfront system.



Adding Images

1. Click the 'Insert' tab on the editor

2. Click the little image icon

3. A popup box will appear, click the folder icon

4. Click the 'Browse' button

This button may appear or be labelled differently on other devices.

5. Select the file to upload

This should be a JPG, PNG or GIF file only.

6. Your file is uploaded, click 'OK' in the bottom right

Creating a Hyperlink

1. You can create a link by clicking the 'insert tab'

2. Click the 'chain link' icon

3. Enter the full URL to the page you want to go to

Ensure you have the http:// prefix at the start

4. Set other options, then click 'insert'

You can also set the 'Target' dropdown to _BLANK if you would like the link to open a new window.

You can also set a 'Title' if you wish a popup caption to show when you hover over the link.

5. Click 'OK' then view your new link

Formatting Text

1. On the editor, the home tab gives you the different options for formatting

2. Click the little 'h' icon

3. You can select a format for the text you enter from the list.

Avoid changing fonts, colours & sizes, using the formatting tool will convert your text to match the design of your site.

The 3 main ones you will want to use are:

H1 - Heading
H2 - Heading 2 - Subtitle
P - Paragraph

We suggest, on each page, having 1 H1 title, which is your master title.
Each section of your page should have a H2.

For example a cooking page will have a H1 for the title 'How to make soup', then a H2 for each section, i.e. DIRECTIONS, INGREDIENTS, NOTES.

You can also use H3 for even smaller headings.

All of your main paragraph text should be formatted in P tags.

4. You can adjust alignment & bullet identation

Selecting one of the alignment options for your selected text.

There is align left, align center, align right, align justify. There is also bullet list and ordered number bullet list.

Pasting from Word / text editors

1. Click the little pasteboard icon

2. Click the 'Paste from Word' option

3. Paste your content from Word into the box

4. Press 'OK' and you'll see your text placed into the editor in a clean format

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