Sell Your Business, Before Your Products reference image

When it comes to marketing, most businesses focus heavily on selling the product, instead of the business as a whole. When someone is making a purchase, especially for that of a high valued product, they like to know the business they are buying off is reputable and offers great customer service.

On your website, always make sure you market the team behind the business, the policies you have in terms of customer relationships etc. Don't go too in-depth on this, just short bullet points with links to more in-depth information is good.

But once people have read this they are then 'buying' your business as a place to purchase from, you build what is called 'rapport'. Without this, people are more reluctant to purchase as you're then just another one of the hundreds of other businesses doing the same thing... and when you're one of those people, all thats going to help you sell is having the best price or most suitable features.

Selling your product to a person who has rapport with you as a person and brand is much stronger than selling to someone whose read a sales ad in the newspaper offering 50% off. You do not want to be a company in the position of "we are the cheapest", that just leads to you loosing out once someone beats you on price!

So when it comes to an e-commerce website (and even service websites), make sure you build a short, appealing story that potential customers can use to build rapport without speaking to you face-to-face.